Monday, July 13, 2009

My Hood is on Fire!

So I finished up my swim workout this afternoon, changed into the bike clothes to go meet up with the junior team, checked my voice mail from the husband........only to get a message that "Honey, there is a brush fire by our house, cross streets are Sandstone and Flint (ummmmm....we live on Flint.....), if you are near the house, you HAVE to go home and get the dogs.....we might get evacuated. I am headed to the fire station to get on one of the trucks to go fight the fire". Yeah, just what I want to hear as I am 30 minutes away from home! Called my mom and answer. Called the answer. I was hoping that mom and dad had gone to rescue the dogs, and that all was okay. I had to sweat it out my entire drive home, and of course, EVERYONE was driving THE speed limit, not a MPH faster! Seriously house could be on fire! Called the other junior coach, and he had to deal with my emotional breakdown (thanks Mel!). I finally made it out home to see that my house was safe. But the fire is only a block away, but the wind pushed it in the opposite directions. I have yet to get home. Things are in the mop up stage, and I am kickin' it at mom and dads....using their internet, and eating there food. They probably can't wait for me to leave.........................